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Panel Kejuruteraan Termobendalir dan Rekabentuk

(Panel of Thermofluid Engineering and Design)


The Panel of Thermofluid Engineering  and Design is one of the prominent departments for the faculty and was formally established on 1st May 2004. Since its formation, the department has gone through some exhilarating transformation in terms of its staffs, academic programmes and research activities. In achieving the faculty's aspiration of developing competent and innovative graduates and becoming strategic reference centre for research and consultancy.

There are eight focused laboratories that are serving the needs of the academic teaching and learning process as well as the ever expanding research activities among staffs and students. Most of the laboratories are well equipped with relevant and state-of-the-art equipments, which comply with the requirements from the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) and also the standards associated with the research in the areas of energy, automotive and thermofluids. One of the examples is the transient dynamometer that is located at the Automotive and Internal Combustion Engine Laboratory. This advanced testing equipment is capable of performing various engine performance tasks for light duty vehicles, either for 2-wheels drive or 4-wheels drive system. Moreover, the department is currently working on building its first biodiesel plant, which will play an important role for future academic programme on process plant and also researches on biofuel. The department is also working towards offering academic programmes in the area of aeronautical engineering technology, with the focus on aircraft maintenance and operation.

The only real mistakes is the one from which we learn nothing

Henry Ford

Contact Person

En. Ahmad Fu'ad bin Idris
Head Panel of Energy and Thermofluids Engineering,
Faculty of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering,
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia,
86400, Parit Raja, Batu Pahat,
Johor, Malaysia.

E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.