Combustion Research Group (CRG)
Combustion Research Group (CRG) will be established under the Centre for Energy and Industrial Environment Studies (CEIES), Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering. The objective of this group is to promote green technology of combustion strategies for external combustion system in order to create a sustainable energy and environment system and to fulfill the future emission regulations and fuel consumption. CRG is going to be involved in supporting research and academic activities to the bio fuel, bio gas, fuel properties technology, heat transfer problem and cooling system in combustion system and micro gas turbine . The current research of this group involves the latest combustion concept based on the application of modern technologies especially in controlling the mixture formation and ignition process that responsible to the oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and Particulate Matter (PM) reduction. This group synthesis the detail spray evaporation, spray interference and mixture formation process clearly with schlieren optical visualization method and digital video camera. Further, heat transferbehavior, thermophoresis, burning process and flame spread characteristics were investigated by direct photography method using high speed color digital video camera. Moreover, the mechanism and behavior of flame pattern will be analyzed by newly developed image processing technique It is expected that this work will provide the knowledge of the exploration on the new generation renewable energy that is able to provide the cost competitiveness, discovery on the energy preservation and reducing emission with the green technology concept. The investigation, observation and the argument in this project represents the marketing strategies of therenewable energy for internal combustion engine, burner system and biogas turbine. Thus, new green technology of combustion strategies can achieve the high combustion efficiency in order to fulfill the future emissions regulations. CRG will create effective collaboration between researchers and stakeholder industry of frontier and green technology.
Reseach Area
The group is committed to carry out intensive research in the following areas:
- Alternative and renewable fuel for external combustion including burner and gas turbines.
- Fuel properties, combustion process, combustion characteristics and emission in combustion, gas turbines and related with external combustion.
- Optical observation of mixture formation, ignition process and flame development.
- Image processing technique.
- Cooling technique in combustor system in gas turbine and thermophoresis process.
Centre For Energy and Industrial Environment Studies (CEIES)
Equipment & Services
CRG is well equipped to conduct research and provide consultation in:
- Development of burner equipment and injector for waste oil fuel
- Bio additive, biofuel and bio lubrication
- Bio gas for macro gas turbine
Contact Person

Head of Combustion Research Group (CRG)
Centre for Energy and Industrial Environment Studies (CEIES)
Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
86400 Parit Raja, Batu Pahat,
E-mail :