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Assalamualaikum and Salam Eidulfitr,

As the pandemic forces the universities to move online classroom, Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (FKMP) through the department of postgraduate studies find the teachable moment that extends to the new norm teaching environment.

For your information, Department of Postgraduate studies (FKMP) decided to conduct the methodology class (MDC 10100) in Full Online Classroom mode that following the guideline from the UTHM management board. This class will starts on 19th July 2020 to 23rd July 2020. Presentation will be conducted on 23rd July 2020 within 8.00 am to 12.00 pm. Students are provided with schedule and presentation guideline for new norm Research Methodology Class as attached.

Students are reminded to aware the Research methodology course withdrawal deadline is within 31 May to 18th June 2020. Non-attendance in a course after the withdrawal deadline is considered being absent from the course. Failure to submit a faculty-signed Insert/Delete Form, the student is considered to be failed at the conclusion of the course.

Thanks for your attention, and we wish SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI (EIDFITR celebration) to all postgraduate students in Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering.

Thank You.
Department of Postgraduate studies (FKMP)


 Files for download

1. Schedule

2. Assigment



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Alhamdulillah... Sesuatu untuk dikongsi bersama. Boleh dapatkan naskhah ini di kedai buku Penerbit UTHM atau berhubung terus dengan penulis.

InsyaAllah, buku ini merupakan projek perintis Wakaf UTHM bersama Penerbit UTHM di mana sebahagian hasil jualan akan diwakafkan kepada Dana Wakaf Tunai Pendidikan UTHM.

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Assalamualaikum wbt dan Salam Sejahtera,

YBhg. Prof. Datuk / Prof. Dato’ / Prof. / Prof. Madya / Dr. / Tuan / Puan / Saudara / Saudari,

Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa Pusat Pengajian Bahasa (PPB) Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia menawarkan perkhidmatan Writing Clinic secara percuma sepanjang Semester I Sesi 2019/2020. Butiran perkhidmatan adalah seperti berikut:-

Sasaran: Pelajar-pelajar yang memerlukan bantuan dalam:

(i) teknik menjawab MUET Paper 4 (Writing) ,

(ii) tatabahasa Bahasa Inggeris dan

(iii) asas pembinaan ayat dalam Bahasa Inggeris

training, student life, MUET

Read more …Pusat Pengajian Bahasa (PPB) : Writing Clinic

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Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera

Prof/Prof Madya/Dr/Tn/Pn

Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa Postgraduate Hooding Ceremony 2019 akan diadakan pada 18 Oktober 2019 di Dewan Tengku Mahkota Ismail (DTMI). Pada majlis ini, terdapat 3 kategori penaugerahan yang akan dianugerahkan kepada para graduan sepertimana yang digariskan dalam spesifikasi yang tertera di dalam lampiran.


Read more …Postgraduate Hooding Ceremony 2019

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