Advanced Forming Research Group (AFRG)
The Advanced Forming Research Group (AFRG) was form in year 2014, is a dedicated group of researchers designed to drive l improvements and profitability of advance forming technology within the various type of manufacturing industries. The rapidly changing demands of recent industry require an agility that can only be achieved through a fundamental scientific understanding of forming processes and materials. This group was establish to address these problems by applying science into the art of material forming, through the application of basic science to improve materials and processes for the material forming industry. Although industry provides a fertile ground for research, our research group identifies the strategic research objectives on the basis of scientific exploration and development of current knowledge to solve these problems. Our close working relationship with industrial manufacturers has created mutually beneficial advancement of mechanical metallurgy and forming process development. The pragmatic application of mechanical metallurgy, advanced plasticity theory and finite element analysis to industrial forming processes provides a seamless integration of research and technology transfer. While working at the most advanced levels of plasticity theory we never lose sight of the applied nature of the research. This underlying ethos ensures the rapid deployment of research findings by industrial partners. This group focuses on developing forming and forging technologies to support the design and manufacture of products, across a range of sectors including aerospace, automotive, energy, medical devices and marine. The research techniques used comprise finite element modelling of processes, tools and machines, full scale experimental trials of forming and characterization of forming

Reseach Area
- Casting
- Injection molding
- Welding
- Sheet metal stamping
- Material characterisation such as mechanical testing, development of special-purpose test facilities, and assessment of yield surface evolution during casting, injection moulding, welding and sheet metal stamping.
- Modelling of yielding such as the application and assessment of anisotropic yield criteria and development of new and improved yield criteria for any forming process.
- Process Optimisation such as optimisation of process settings, tool design methods, fracture and failure predictions and application of finite element analysis for any forming process such as casting, injection moulding, welding and sheet metal stamping.
- Development of advanced or new material, process and method involving any forming process.
- Forming material characterization and formulation
- Alternative material, formulation and process in forming such as casting, injection moulding, welding and sheet metal stamping.
- Superplastic & incremental forming material
- Advanced fabrication techniques and solution
- New product/ machine /tools design and development in forming such as casting, injection moulding, welding and sheet metal stamping.
Contact Person
Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
86400 Parit Raja, Batu Pahat,