Additive Manufacturing Research Group (ADDMAN)
The Additive Manufacturing Research Group (ADDMAN) was formed in 2008 with the establishment of Rapid Manufacturing Laboratory within the Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). The term “additive manufacturing” has also been adopted by the new ASTM body that is investigating standards and procedures for Additive Manufacturing technologies. Additive manufacturing technologies are used broadly for design, product development and manufacturing. Among the applications are concept modeling, design validation, prototyping for fit and functional testing, patterns for castings, parts for mould and die tooling; fixtures, guides and assembly tooling; and custom, limited edition and short-run production. ADDMAN engages in project ranging from collaborative research to individual short term applications researches, supported directly by additive manufacturing systems vendors and technology users. ADDMAN also provides technology transfer, industrial training and consultancy services to manufacturing companies. Main niche area: Rapid prototyping, tooling and manufacturing
Reseach Area
- Development of new sustainable functional material for rapid prototyping technologies
- Development of artificial bones, dental and automotive parts for bio-medical, dentistry and automotive applications
- Reduced material and energy consumption
- Development of Direct Write (DW)/printing technologies for rigid and flexible electronics application
- Rapid casting for direct and indirect approach for investment casting
- Sustainable functional material
- Rapid prototyping technologies
- Direct write (DW)/printing technologies
- Rapid casting using direct and indirect approach for investment casting
- Small machinery for rapid prototyping technologies and Small Medium and Enterprise (SME) industries
- New sustainable functional material for rapid prototyping technologies
- Prototype of artificial bones and dental parts for medical and dentistry applications
- Micro-flexography printing machine
- Printable strain gauge sensor on fabrics
- Low cost direct to garment (DTG) printer
- Prototype of hydrogen/brown gas (HHO) generator for small motorcycles and vehicles
- Inline curing system for DW applications
- Layered manufacturing of conductive material for end used products
- Small custom made machineries for rapid prototyping technologies and Small Medium and
- Enterprise (SME) industries
Contact Person

Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
86400 Parit Raja, Batu Pahat,
E-mail :