What is OBE?
- Outcome Based Education (OBE) clearly focusing and organizing everything in an educational system around what is essential for all students to be able to do successfully at the end of their learning experiences.
- One of education that accessing technical engineering and human skills in FKMP
What is PEO and how do you assessing it?
- Programme Education Objectives (PEO) consists of 4: Attained Professional Engineers; Hold Decision Making Position; Lead Entrepreneurial efforts; Self Learning Commitment.
- Accessing after 3-5 years of graduation through surveys on employer, parents, and alumni.
What are PLO and CLO?
- Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO) consists of 11 keys: Knowledge; Practical skill; Communication; Critical thinking, problem solving; Team work; Life learning and information management; entrepreneurship; Moral, professional ethics; Leadership; Design; Sustainable.
- Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): refer to subject CLO.
How many staff student ratio?
- Ideal 1:10
How do you conduct lecturing session?
- Tools: slide show, author (e-learning), white board, handouts, ref. books, journals, etc.
- Communication: English (most), Malay (often)
- Lecturing follow RPP 04 and lesson plan.
How do you conduct tutorials/ laboratory session?
- Divide the group of students not exceed than 5 persons per group
- Conducted follow RPP 04, lesson plan, lab sheet, etc.
- Communication: English (most), Malay (often)
- Tools: slide show, author (e-learning), white board, handouts, lab facilities
How do you assist students in applying what they learnt in real situation of work?
- Delivering real case study from industries to be applied.
- Site visit to concern industry
- Practical training (student attachment)
- Professional talk from industries.
How do you know that students understand the real application of the subject?
- Through assignment of real case study.
- Assessment of test/ exams.
What elements those deliver the affective domain in your class?
- Two way communication in class/ lab
- Motivating elements by exposing real working condition
- Give more attention to passive students and less monitor to aggressive students in levelling their understanding in the same ground of emotional.
How do you apply CQI in your course?
- Through test/ assignment/ course work result, select low mark students and make re-test, re-assessment, make special class for them, and etc.
- Plan for improvement for the next incoming semester.
How do you apply the sustainability elements in your course/ subject?
- Bring up environmental issue and awareness.
How do you support the lecturer/ instructors in PNP session?
- Keep lab facilities well maintained to be used in PNP
- Scheduling facilities for Prev. maintenance, operating, and disposing.
- Preparing other facilities in assisting lab session.
How do you organizing machine/ equipment used?
- Recording facilities used by log book/ documentation
- Preparing safety precaution list for certain equipments.
- Monitor students in using the facilities in term of safety and standard operation procedure.
How do you do to ensure safety of work is complying in your lab?
- Tools and facilities in a right place before and after use
- 5S activities.
- Safety posters are placed in readable area.
- Ensure no avoidance in emergency exit paths.
Is it having Safety Committee in your faculty?
- Yes, Jawatankuasa Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (JKKP)
What is your role in faculty?
Are you satisfied with your current scope of work?