Energy Technologies Research Group (EnRG)
Research Focus: Energy Conversion Technology, Sustainability and Groundbreaking Solution
The Energy Technologies Research Group (EnRG) is one of the research groups founded by the faculty, under Department of Plant and Automotive Engineering, which has a strong focus on research for energy sustainability and its related technological solutions. EnRG is fully committed to implement a broad spectrum of energy related research and development (R&D) activities that will benefit our nation’s next generation. Evidenced by the group’s project portfolio including those conducted via collaborative partnerships, cooperative research, consultancies, financial assistance from government and private sectors as well as contractual agreements with other universities, the group has shown its clear mission by domineering the energy research and exploring groundbreaking new results.
Reseach Area
Our key players are those with expertise in practical and theory who spending hundreds of hours in every R&D programs conducted at our faculty. Overview of notable research projects includes the investigation on spray characteristic of liquid only and two-fluid atomisation that was accompanied by Particle Imaging Velocimetry (PIV) and digital cameras for validation purposes. PIV testing provides affordable means of observing the fundamental differences in the flow structure in order to assess the performance and characteristic study. Other research is in the area of Thermal-Fluids with special interests in fluidization (hydrodynamics, drying and combustion) and heat transfer. The research work involves fundamental studies on swirling fluidized bed with novel distributor and parametric analysis on the system with the aid of CFD tools. Drying and combustion of biomass, particularly from oil palm are also part of on-going projects. In addition, biodiesel also has become our researchers’ main subject in securing the knowledge of renewable energy source. This strong momentum is driven by the completion of our biodiesel pilot process plant. The key research interests are as follows:
- Fine spray and atomization
- Multiphase flow
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Aerodynamic
- Fluidization and fluidized bed system
- Convective heat transfer (experimental and numerical)
- Film cooling effect
- Biodiesel (combustion, treatment, characteristic and performance analysis)
- Membrane and separation, membrane reactor
- Laser measurement and visualization of fluid using PIV system
Centre For Energy and Industrial Environment Studies (CEIES)
Equipment & Services
EnRG is well equipped to conduct research and provide consultation in :
- Heat Exchanger
- Fine spray and atomization- Nozzle development
- Power Plant Technologies
- Flow Visualization using PIV
- Computational Fluid Dynamic(CFD) - Internal and External Flow, Spray Pattern, Flammable Pattern,Flow Characteristic, Cooling System
- Fluidized Bed
- Energy Management
- Thermo Acoustic
- Heat Recovery from Waste Heat Kitchen Hood
- Training
- Particle Image Velocimetry(PIV)
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
Contact Person

Head of Energy Technologies Reseacrh Group (EnRG)
Centre for Energy and Industrial Environment Studies (CEIES)
Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
86400 Parit Raja, Batu Pahat,
E-mail :