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Jabatan Teknologi Mekanikal

(Department of Mechanical Technology)


This department was established in fkmp in July 2023 and two programmes were run under this department. The major goal of both of the programmes offered by this department is to generate graduates who are outstanding from an academic and skill perspective, in line with the demands and specifications of the industry. The programmes are based on industrial plants, oil, and gas. The emphasis on practical application in the programmes' design enables students to use their newly acquired knowledge in the actual world.

Outcome Based Education (OBE)

The Outcome Based Education (OBE) principle has been applied to the programs. This is done to make sure the graduates not only have the necessary engineering knowledge but are also developing their personal soft skills. Our graduates will be embedded with the strong core of fundamental and practical orientation that will enhance their knowledge and skill and be useful to them later in industries. Through a periodical review in program structure with the programmes stakeholders, both programmes can ensure the continual suitability and relevance to the need of the market industry. With the capabilities of our biodiesel plant as our major facilities, students have prior experience in conducting and experimenting the plant process, maintenance, start up and shut down the plant. 

Contact Person

Ts. Dr. Zuliazura Bt Mohd Salleh, 

Head of Department, 

Faculty of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, 

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 

86400, Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, 

Johor, Malaysia. 

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