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Inbound Mobility Program from UNISMA
Written by Dr. Zamani Ngali on . Posted in News
Inbound Mobility Program at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
Batu Pahat, November 20, 2024 – Today marks the second day of the "UTHM Campus Tour" session as part of the inbound mobility program taking place from November 17 to 23, 2024. This initiative involves five students from Universitas Islam Malang (UNISMA) accompanied by their supervising lecturers. The program aims to introduce participants to various academic and industrial aspects at UTHM.
The event commenced with a welcoming session attended by the management of the Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (FKMP). This session provided participants with an opportunity to interact with lecturers and gain a deeper understanding of the programs offered by the faculty.
Throughout this program, participants visited several interesting locations around the UTHM campus, including:
- AVITEX Solution: A faculty-affiliated company in the aviation and drone industry, offering insights into the latest technological applications in the aviation sector.
-FKMP Hangar: Housing several aircraft used for learning sessions, providing students with a firsthand look at educational processes in aeronautics.
- FKMP Biodiesel Plant: Showcasing UTHM's efforts in sustainable energy, participants were introduced to the technology and processes involved in producing biodiesel as a green energy alternative.
- AMMC Laboratory (Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Centre): One of UTHM's leading research centers, this laboratory exposed participants to innovations in materials and manufacturing technology.
- Tunku Tun Aminah Library: Known as the largest library in Southeast Asia, this library serves not only as an information resource center but also as the main administrative building of UTHM.
This mobility program is expected to strengthen the relationship between UNISMA and UTHM while providing valuable experiences for students in understanding the academic and industrial culture in Malaysia.
Knowledge Transfer Program "Drone Technology: Design and Development"
Written by Dr. Zamani Ngali on . Posted in News

Date: 19 November 2024
Location: MARA Junior Science College, Johor Bahru
Introduction: The knowledge transfer program titled "Drone Technology: Design and Development" was organized to provide exposure to students of the MARA Junior Science College (MRSM JB) on the components and scope of Mechanical Engineering in general, and the applications of drone technology specifically. The program aimed to inspire and educate students with regards to the potential and advancements in drone technology.
Attendance: The program was attended by 165 students from MRSM JB. The enthusiastic participation of the students highlighted their keen interest in learning about drone technology and its applications.
Speakers: The sharing session was delivered by a panel of esteemed speakers:
- Ir. Dr. Jamiluddin Jaafar
- Tn Hj. Abd. Khalil bin Abd. Rahim
- Dr. Sofian bin Mohd
- Associate Professor Ir. Dr. Mohd Azahari bin Razali
Their expertise and insights provided valuable knowledge and inspiration to the students.
Support Team: The event was also supported by 4 postgraduate students and 4 final-year undergraduate students from the Bachelor of Engineering Technology in Aeronautics (Professional Piloting). Their assistance was instrumental in ensuring the smooth execution of the program.
Program Highlights:
- Introduction to Drone Technology: The speakers introduced the students to the basics of drone technology, including the various components and their functions.
- Design and Development: Detailed discussions on the design and development process of drones, highlighting the engineering principles involved.
- Applications of Drones: The session covered various applications of drones in different fields such as agriculture, surveillance, and delivery services.
- Hands-on Demonstration: Students had the opportunity to witness a live demonstration of drone operations, which provided practical insights into the technology.
Conclusion: The knowledge transfer program was a resounding success, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of drone technology and its potential applications. The event not only educated but also inspired the students to explore the field of Mechanical Engineering and drone technology further.
Acknowledgments: We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the speakers, support team, and all participants for their contributions to the success of this program. Special thanks to the MARA Junior Science College for hosting the event and providing an excellent platform for knowledge sharing.
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Majlis Menandatangani Memorandum Persefahaman (MoU) antara UTHM dan Pertubuhan Kebangsaaan Pekerja Berkemahiran (Belia Mahir)
Written by Dr. Zamani Ngali on . Posted in News
#UTHMevents | 7 November 2024 | Majlis Menandatangani Memorandum Persefahaman (MoU) antara UTHM dan Pertubuhan Kebangsaaan Pekerja Berkemahiran (Belia Mahir) bertempat di Dewan Jamuan, Aras 5, Perpustakaan Tunku Tun Aminah, UTHM.
YBhg. Prof. Ts. Dr. Amir Khalid, Dekan Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dan Pembuatan (FKMP) selaku wakil rasmi Naib Canselor UTHM hari ini telah menandatangani MoU bersama Pertubuhan Kebangsaaan Pekerja Berkemahiran (Belia Mahir) yang diwakili oleh En. Rizan bin Hassan, Ketua Belia Mahir. Majlis ini turut disaksikan oleh YBhg. Prof. Ir. Dr. Md. Saidin Wahab, Penolong Naib Canselor (Digital dan Infrastruktur)/Ketua Pegawai Digital UTHM. Turut hadir, delegasi industri dan pegawai-pegawai universiti.
MoU ini bertujuan memperkukuhkan kerjasama penyelidikan, perkongsian akademik dan peluang latihan industri kepada pelajar dalam bidang teknologi dan kejuruteraan. UTHM dan Belia Mahir juga akan menjalin kerjasama dalam penyediaan TVET, khususnya dalam bidang pembuatan enjin pesawat bagi pelajar program Sarjana Muda Teknologi Kejuruteraan (Pembuatan Pesawat) Dengan Kepujian.
Untuk rekod, Program Malaysia China Youth TVET Training, UTHM Fasa 1 yang disertai oleh 15 pelajar dan 3 staf FKMP bakal berlepas ke Guangxi Technological College of Machinery and Electricity, China pada 10 November 2024 ini.
Semoga dengan langkah pertama ini, membuka lembaran baharu dan memberi masa depan yang cerah kepada pelajar UTHM.
𝙆𝙡𝙞𝙠 𝙥𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙖𝙣 https://linktr.ee/uthmofficial 𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙪𝙠 𝙡𝙚𝙗𝙞𝙝 𝙞𝙣𝙛𝙤 𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙖𝙞 𝙐𝙏𝙃𝙈.
MechyFest 2024 Melabuhkan Tirainya
Written by Dr. Zamani Ngali on . Posted in News

24 & 25 Jun 2024 | PROGRAM 8th MECHYFEST 2024
Program MECHYFEST kali ke 8 tahun 2024 yang bertemakan "Excellence of Analytical Approach" telah diadakan pada 24 & 25/06/2024 bertempat di Kompleks Teknologi Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dan Pembuatan (FKMP) yang lalu. Perasmian program ini telah disempurnakan pada 24 Jun 2024 oleh Yang Berbahagia Prof Dato’ Ir. Ts. Dr. Ruzairi bin Abd Rahim, Naib Canselor UTHM dan dihadiri barisan kepimpinan eksekutif UTHM, pengurusan fakulti, Dekan-dekan fakulti, para pensyarah serta pelajar FKMP. Turut hadir meraikan program ini ialah Timbalan Naib Canselor Akademik & Antarabangsa Prof. Dr. Shahruddin bin Mahzan, Timbalan Naib Canselor Penyelidikan & Inovasi Prof. Ts. Dr. Rabiah binti Ahmad, juga Timbalan Naib Canselor Hal Ehwal Pelajar & Alumni Prof. Dr Lokman Hakim bin Ismail, Penolong Naib Canselor Digital & Infrastuktur Prof. Ir. Dr. Md Saidin bin Wahab dan juga Penolong Naib Canselor Strategik & Kualiti Prof. Dr. Mas Fawzi bin Mohd Ali.
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